Your self image is who you are and what you want to be. You normally want to be like someone on T.V or in a movie. So a lot of the people will change themselves so they look like that person. Which causes a lot of people to get really depressed because they can't be exactly like that person. I like to make people think that I'm a nice and funny person, that's my self image. But I want to look like a lot of people look on T.V which is normally a bad thing. I feel that if  I look like someone from T.V, people will like me more. But that isn't true and it only hurts myself. Just be yourself, don't change who you are for other people. 
One of the careers I want is a lawyer. I want to be a lawyer because the make a whole lot of money. They make over 125,000$ a year! I would have so much stuff! But the only thing I'm scared of is when I would be in court, which is what a lawyer does. It would take a lot to always have a big point to prove, I would have about 2 words to say every time. Another reason I want to be a lawyer is because my friend Nick hopes to become a lawyer so it would be cool to have a job with him. But that was before I learned about careers. It's not always about how much money you make, it's about if you enjoy it. Because if you don't enjoy something you do you will be really stressed out. But also, a lot of jobs aren't what you expected them to be. A lot of the time you see something really cool and awesome on T.V and you instantly want that job. But it's just television. A lot of those jobs in real life are actually boring. I still want to be a lawyer but this made me realize that lawyers have a lot of paper work to do and before court they can get really stressed. But I still want the job because of money, I know it's not about the money but for me it is!
In the assignment I learned that Anorexia and Bulimia are somewhat similar eating disorders. Anorexia is an eating disorder that makes someone constantly think they are too fat. They want the "perfect body" so they start to lose weight constantly. They will start to weigh themselves a lot and say that they are too fat as well. They will start to exercise to extreme levels to try and get perfect. But they will eat very very little. They won't get the nutritions they need and they will get very dehydrated which will cause them to get really sick. They will also lose muscle mass so they will get very weak. They also tend to gag themselves to help lose weight. Bulimia is an eating disorder where a person won't eat all day and then at a certain moment they will eat everything they can. They will be starving the whole day then they will over indulge themselves with food. But after they fill themselves of they will "purge". Purging is when after you eat something you go to the bathroom and puke out all the food you just ate to "avoid losing weight". The person will constantly think they are fat, a normal time they think they are fat is after they eat because when they are full, they think that causes them to gain weight. This can cause a lot of damage. It can affect your heart majorly. Your heart muscles will be weakened and your heart can start to have irregular beats. This can also affect your stomach. Your stomach can start to have a lot of pain, the emptying of the stomach can be delayed and it can even be ruptured. I learned that these two eating disorders exist all around the world. People see the "perfect body" on television or on a magazine and they want to look just like them so people start extreme dieting and exercising. But they don't know that this is unhealthy for your body. These people will always think they are fat unless they get help from friends or processionals. People die from these eating disorders. You can help by not calling people fat even if it's a joke because they can take it very seriously. Just compliment them on their achievements and strengths. Also talk to them if you think they have an eating disorder and then you can help them get over it.

 Thank you for your time.
  • In an age when we have so much information at our disposal, why do we still make choices based on advertising and marketing? (Think back to the advertising unit about body image)

We make bad decisions because we want to be like everyone else. If everyone is eating McDonald's, you would want to eat it to because you would be "normal" and you would fit in society. If you never ate at McDonald's some people might think you're some weirdo or nerd or something and most people don't want to be called names so they would start eating there so they would stop thinking that you're some social outcast.

How does society dictate our consumption? (Make a lot of money, buy BIG CAR, BIG HOUSE, MORE MORE MORE)  
Society thinks that we buy too much, especially food. Most Americans buy fast food 3 or 4 times a week so we consume a lot of our money on food. Then we buy big everything ( house, car etc.) to top it all off. ( I have no idea what this questions meant and I couldn't ask because a certain someone was on YouTube .__.). 

Why are they repeatedly comparing cigarette smokers and overweight people? (Important Connection)
They are always comparing each other because cigarettes are the number one cause of deaths in America and obesity is in the number two spot. But deaths from obesity is rapidly increasing and it is coming closer and closer to being the number one cause of deaths in America.

Do you believe that people can have food addictions? Why or why not? (This Question Connects to previous question)
I think that food addictions are real. The reason is because when people eat different food they prefer one item so they will keep eating that item more often. Then more often, then more often until that's basically all you eat. Then whenever you eat something else it would taste really weird to you. But also, if you were addicted to a certain food, you would only eat it if it's around you. Chocolate for example, if it's there, you're likely to eat all of it quite quickly. 

In March 2004, Congress passed a bill that would make it illegal for people to sue food companies for making them obese.  What was that bill called?
The bill was called the "Cheeseburger Bill" .