In the assignment I learned that Anorexia and Bulimia are somewhat similar eating disorders. Anorexia is an eating disorder that makes someone constantly think they are too fat. They want the "perfect body" so they start to lose weight constantly. They will start to weigh themselves a lot and say that they are too fat as well. They will start to exercise to extreme levels to try and get perfect. But they will eat very very little. They won't get the nutritions they need and they will get very dehydrated which will cause them to get really sick. They will also lose muscle mass so they will get very weak. They also tend to gag themselves to help lose weight. Bulimia is an eating disorder where a person won't eat all day and then at a certain moment they will eat everything they can. They will be starving the whole day then they will over indulge themselves with food. But after they fill themselves of they will "purge". Purging is when after you eat something you go to the bathroom and puke out all the food you just ate to "avoid losing weight". The person will constantly think they are fat, a normal time they think they are fat is after they eat because when they are full, they think that causes them to gain weight. This can cause a lot of damage. It can affect your heart majorly. Your heart muscles will be weakened and your heart can start to have irregular beats. This can also affect your stomach. Your stomach can start to have a lot of pain, the emptying of the stomach can be delayed and it can even be ruptured. I learned that these two eating disorders exist all around the world. People see the "perfect body" on television or on a magazine and they want to look just like them so people start extreme dieting and exercising. But they don't know that this is unhealthy for your body. These people will always think they are fat unless they get help from friends or processionals. People die from these eating disorders. You can help by not calling people fat even if it's a joke because they can take it very seriously. Just compliment them on their achievements and strengths. Also talk to them if you think they have an eating disorder and then you can help them get over it.

 Thank you for your time.
Maggie Danhakl
9/3/2014 08:28:51 pm


I hope all is well with you. Healthline just published an infographic detailing the effects on the body of Bulimia. This is an interactive chart allowing the reader to pick the side effect they want to learn more about.

You can see the overview of the report here:

Our users have found our guide very useful and I thought it would be a great resource for your page:

I would really appreciate if you could review our request and consider adding this visual representation of the effects of bulimia to your site or sharing it on your social media feeds.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager

Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
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