One of the careers I want is a lawyer. I want to be a lawyer because the make a whole lot of money. They make over 125,000$ a year! I would have so much stuff! But the only thing I'm scared of is when I would be in court, which is what a lawyer does. It would take a lot to always have a big point to prove, I would have about 2 words to say every time. Another reason I want to be a lawyer is because my friend Nick hopes to become a lawyer so it would be cool to have a job with him. But that was before I learned about careers. It's not always about how much money you make, it's about if you enjoy it. Because if you don't enjoy something you do you will be really stressed out. But also, a lot of jobs aren't what you expected them to be. A lot of the time you see something really cool and awesome on T.V and you instantly want that job. But it's just television. A lot of those jobs in real life are actually boring. I still want to be a lawyer but this made me realize that lawyers have a lot of paper work to do and before court they can get really stressed. But I still want the job because of money, I know it's not about the money but for me it is!

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